Medicare Part B

The Social Security Administration announced a new service for people awaiting a hearing decision. In addition to telephone hearings, Social Security will offer the opportunity for an online video hearing using the Microsoft Teams platform beginning this fall. This new free service will allow applicants and their representatives to participate in the hearing from anywhere they have access to a camera-enabled smartphone, tablet, or computer. This stable and secure online platform allows the Social Security judge to see and interact with applicants and their representatives just like an in-person hearing, while maintaining privacy of the claimant’s information. Other hearing experts, such as medical or vocational experts, may participate as well.

Medigap Life

Deadline for Annual Enrollment is December 7th

The deadline for Medicare Annual Enrollment 2021 is December 7th.

National Survey of Seniors Finds More than 9 of 10 Satisfied with Medicare Part D

National Survey of Seniors Finds More than Nine of Ten Satisfied with Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage

AARP Reports on the FAQs on Life Insurance and Coronavirus

AARP Reports on the FAQs on Life Insurance and Coronavirus


Kaiser Family Health Covers the FAQs of Medicare & Coronavirus

Kaiser Family Health Covers the FAQs of Medicare & Coronavirus

Medicare Part B Covers the Pneumonia Vaccine

Medicare Part B covers the pneumonia vaccine


How to Protect Your Pets from COVID-19

Treat your pets the same way you would treat other family members to prevent the spread of COVID-19: keep your pets away from sick people and people outside your household.

CMS News: CMS Proposed Updates to Coverage Policy for Artificial Hearts and Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs)

CMS News: CMS Proposed Updates to Coverage Policy for Artificial Hearts and Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs)

If You’ve Recovered from COVID-19, They Need Your Plasma

COVID-19 | Donate Blood Plasma and Help Save Lives | Dr. Fauci My name is Dr. Tony Fauci, here at the National Institutes of Health. If you have recovered from COVID19, your plasma has antibodies that may help others fight COVID. Please donate plasma now. You can literally save lives. There are thousands of locations across the country where you can donate. Find a site to donate your plasma at