Qualifying for Supplemental Security Income with Social Security

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Qualifying for Supplemental Security Income with Social Security

Social Security pays monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to people with disabilities who have low income and few resources, and people who are age 65 or older without disabilities who meet the financial limits.

Income is money you receive, such as wages, Social Security benefits, and pensions. Income also includes things like food and shelter. The amount of income you can receive each month and still get SSI depends partly on where you live.

Resources are things you own, including real estate, bank accounts, cash, stocks, and bonds, which we count in deciding if you qualify for SSI. You may be able to get SSI if your resources are worth $2,000 or less. A couple may be able to get SSI if they have resources worth $3,000 or less. If you own property that you are trying to sell, you may be able to get SSI while trying to sell it.

Read more at https://blog.ssa.gov/qualifying-for-supplemental-security-income-with-social-security/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

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