CSR VBC Quality Assurance

The following standard operative procedure is put in place for management to use for QA Auditing purposes. To ensure the quality of the VBC submissions and transfers are meeting Agency expectations a weekly audit of VBC transfers will be performed for each Dedicated VBC Rep. Management is expected audit according to the following guidelines/scorecard.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • VBC Call Grading Sorecard

    Customer Service Rep is graded based on their ability to introduce/brand the company and clearly explain the reason for the call
    It is important to listen to what the member is asking/needs. If the member is clearly stressing their concern and the rep is not paying attention, is disengaged and not addressing their concerns this should be negatively graded.
    Tone, pitch, volume, and pace are extremely important. Some members are hard of hearing, so this requires a higher volume. Representatives are also graded on how they are speaking to the member, if they sound passive aggressive or their tone is unpleasant this portion should be negatively graded.
  • Notes and Feedback